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Application Cases

LINA Korea (Cigna) Kakao Talk Biz Messaging Notification Talk

LINA Korea has launched the Notification Talk service to enhance customer communication and convenience.- Insurance product notice- Customer inquiry notice- Customer request notice- Premium due notice

THE HYUNDAI.COM Email Marketing System

Hyundai department store implemented M&WISE email marketing solution to its internet shopping mall 'The'- Automated email of marketing campaign, payment, product shipment - Configuring failover w...

COWAY Kakao Talk Biz Messaging Notification Talk

Coway is leader in the life-care rental service sector(water purifier, air purifiers, bidets, mattresses, cosmetics and other life convenience products). They provide information on the date and time of visit...

KAKAO BANK Unified Messaging System

M&WISE has built a unified messaging system for Kakao internet bank to expand customer contacts by dispatching and managing various outbound messages (e-mail, SMS, push notifications, e-fax). - Management of ...